What is GFI?
The Graphene Flagship initiative aims at advancing Europe’s strategic autonomy in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials and sustaining the first-mover advantage that Europe has obtained through earlier investments. The overall coherence of the Graphene Flagship initiative is guaranteed by a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that allows the separate actions to exploit synergies in their scientific and technological activities and work more efficiently by utilising common services and support functions. Learn more
Graphene Flagship Initiative
Throughout the lifespan of the 2D-BioPAD project, efforts will be directed towards establishing collaborations and synergies with relevant projects, with a special focus on the GrapheneEU CSA project and contributions to the Graphene Flagship Initiative (GFI) governance, in line with T6.5 activities.
Discover the collaboration between 2D-BioPAD and the Graphene Flagship Initiative (GFI), as they actively engage in key activities outlined across various work packages within the Graphene EU framework. In alignment with GrapheneEU’s objectives, 2D-BioPAD is committed to contributing to Coordination and Governance (WP1), European and International Alignment (WP2), Dissemination (WP3), and Industrialisation Support (WP4).
The partnership involves active participation in Coordination Board and Science and Technology Forum meetings, integration of Associate Members and Partnering Projects, representation in the Dissemination Working Group, and support for industrialization initiatives such as roadmap development and innovation coordination.